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Russia begins 240 day long isolation experiment for interplanetary missions

SIRIUS 21 - 240 days long isolation experiment

Russia begins 240 day long isolation experiment for interplanetary missions

              This experiment simulates flight to the moon and studies the effects of the adaptation of the human body during severe conditions of isolation in a pressurized object.

            This experiment is called the Scientific International Research In Unique Terrestrial Station aka SIRIUS-21

            The SIRIUS 21 experiment includes 6 astronauts who planned to stay in isolation for 240 days. During this long-term stay, they will conduct about 70 experiments to study the effects of the human body in isolated situations. These experiments will help future astronauts in their travel to deep space.

SIRIUS 21 Crew

            As this is a joint International experiment, the crew has astronauts from various countries. This crew is intentionally selected with mixed gender and nationality to prove that they can co-operate in worse conditions. 

Russia begins 240 day long isolation experiment for interplanetary missions
SIRIUS 13 Crew

            This crew has 6 astronauts; three from Russia, two from the United States, and one from UAE. 

They are 

  1. Oleg Blinow (Russia)
  2. Victoria Kirichenko (Russia)
  3. Katerina karjakina (Russia)
  4. William Brown (USA)
  5. Ashley Kowalski (USA)
  6. Saleh Omar Al Ameri (UAE)

Experiments to be conducted

            Some of the experiments conducted by the crew would be sensory deprivation, monotony, and limited social contact. 
            Technical experiments include docking of transport ships, landing the lunar module, and controlling the robotic equipment. 

Russia begins 240 day long isolation experiment for interplanetary missions
SIRIUS 13 Location

        One of the most important things is that this crew will be having a communication delay for about 5 minutes to simulate the situation of a deep space travel

Previous Isolation Experiments

            Russia has also previously conducted isolation experiments such a SIRIUS 17 and SIRIUS 19.
            SIRIUS 17 lasted for about 17 days and had 5 members from Russia and one volunteer from Germany. On the other hand, SIRIUS 19 lasted for 120 days and it had 4 members from Russia and two people from the United States.


            The goal of these experiments is to study the effects of the human body during severe conditions of isolation in a pressurized environment. These experiments will help future lunar astronauts during their long-term space missions. These experiments are more important now because the Artemis mission is about to begin. The Artemis Program will make astronauts go back to the moon, build a base and stay there.

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